
Winner Release Family Photo in Retrospect

  • 이소연 기자
  • 2020-03-17

The group Winner released a family photo, announcing a comeback.
YG Entertainment posted 'Winner Family Photo' on the official blog at 9 am on the 17th. Seung-yun Kang, Jin-woo Kim, and Min-ho Song, and Seung-hun Lee's picture was taken together in retrospect and revealed. 
The members have a naughty look. A deep affection and nostalgia are felt at the same time in the photo, which is full of retro sensibility that seems to turn back time.
YG announced the song 'PRE-RELEASE SINGLE', 'HOLD' and '2020.03.26 6PM' prominently on the black-and-white Winner family picture.
Earlier, WINNER stated in "WINNER CROSS SPECIAL LIVE" with more than 960,000 viewers, "We are going to release a song in advance and release an album. We hope it will be released twice. Please look forward to it", the group added. 
Written by Lee Jung HoTranslated by Lee So Yun
이소연 기자
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