Singer Baek Ye-rin releases the limited edition LP of the 1st album 'Every letter I sent you.'
The agency, Blue Vinyl, announced the release of LP through an official account on the 24th, and presented one more unfinished gift from the last album. This limited edition LP was produced in a limited quantity of 2,000 pieces in the form of 2LP, which contains the first full album released on December 10, 2019. In particular, it has been designed differently from the digital sound source cover to further increase its collection value.
"Because the artist's independent label name is Blue Vinyl, Blue Vinyl has been preparing for the LP album of the first regular album. Since the end of 2019, we have been airing materials from overseas for the production of transparent blue discs. It took a long time to prepare, but we hope it will be a valuable gift. ”
Meanwhile, this limited edition LP is supported by the production of 'Hyundai Card Vinyl & Plastic', and will be applied and pre-sold on the 27th through the Hyundai Card DIVE application.
The official release is May 11th.
Written by Yoon Sang GeunTranslated by Lee So Yun
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