
Black Pink X Lady Gaga 'Sour Candy' unveiled on the 29th .. Global Hit Expectation

  • 이소연 기자
  • 2020-05-07

'Sour Candy', which the girls group Black Pink and Lady Gaga collaborated, was officially announced.
Lady Gaga announced on the 6th (US time) that she will release her 6th album 'Chromatica' on the official SNS on the 29th. She previously released a track list that included Black Pink's feature songs, and confirmed the album release date.
Black Pink featured the album's 10th track, 'Sour Candy'. No information on music has been released yet, but the collaboration of pop stars representing the Asia and US has attracted attention from music fans around the world.
The American billboard pointed out this expectation by deeply addressing the news of the release date of Lady Gaga's new album. Billboard said, "Lady Gaga's 'Chromatica' is a new opportunity for him to team up with talented music colleagues. 'Sour Candy' is with K-Pop Super Group Black Pink. "
Lady Gaga's album included Black Pink, Ariana Grande and Elton John. Among the musicians who decorated the present and the history of pop music, Black Pink was proudly named.
The collaboration effect of Black Pink and the world's pop star has already been verified. Black Pink featured Dua Lipa's 'Kiss and Make Up' in 2018, ranking 36th in the UK's Official Singles Chart Top 100 and gaining popularity. Since then, the two artists met at the concert and decorated it successfully.
Written by Lee Jung HoTranslated by Lee So Yun
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