V of BTS is celebrated by so many artists and celebrities around the world.
First of all, Sam Hamington's sons William and Bentley posted a video on their official Instagram on the 30th, saying, "Brother. Happy birthday. There is no proper video, but I've collected NG videos of happy birthday. It's a gift from my brother Bentley."
William and Bentley in the video are saying "Happy birthday" to V while blowing a hand heart, a surprise appearance from behind the curtain made everyone happy.
Famous vocalists Jo Sumi also posted a video titled 'Snow Flower titled "Happy Birthday V' through the official YouTube channel. 'Snow Flower' is a song released by V on the 25th. Jo Sumi celebrated her birthday by posting a cover video to commemorate V's birthday.
In addition to these, William Shatner, famous for Captain Kirk of the movie Star Trek, American actress Laura Marano from Disney, Billboard, Sony Music, World Music Awards, Spotify, Tracklist, Theward Ross WHO Secretary General, Tama Herman of NBC News. , Giorgio Penaccio, the host of ABC broadcast 'Eyewitness',Gulf News -UAE's largest life news media-,Sony Music, Power 95 and Z90.3 radio broadcasts, photographers Ente Vajim, and Callum Snape delivered congratulatory messages to V.
Written by Lee Jung HoTranslated by Lee So Yun
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<저작권자 © ‘리얼타임 연예스포츠 속보,스타의 모든 것’ 스타뉴스, 무단전재 및 재배포 금지>