K-Pop's representative visual member V was registered in the dictionary.
The keyword related to BTS' V's beautiful appearance has been raised in advance, further solidifying the title of K-pop representative visual.
'National Treasure Handsome','World's No. 1 Handsome','Unrealistic Appearance','Excellent Title Collector', etc.
V is one of the unique visuals representing K-pop, so he has numerous nicknames related to him thanks to his handsome appearance. In this regard, related keywords have been listed until now, and the topic is gathering.
'Urban Dictionary' listed 'Face of Kpop' and 'Ethereal Beauty' related to V's beauty.
Urban Dictionary is the largest online dictionary website in the Anglo-American region that reflects changes in various languages including new words in line with social trends.
Written by Mun Wan SikTranslated by Lee So Yun
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