BTS Jin brought joy to the fans on Saturday evening through the warm fan communication in which she picked and released her own photo.
On the 10th, Jin unveiled 13 different selfies on fan community platform Weverse.
Jin began to release selfies one after another upon fans' requests saying, "I have this too." From the blond hair photo to the photo taken at the time of the music video, Jin released a total of 13 photos for about an hour, bringing happiness to fans.
Since the release of the Weverse in June 2019, Jin has made a great contribution to the settlement of the Weverses by constantly visiting and communicating with fans. As a result, he even received a perfect attendance award and constantly visiting Weverse this year and communicating with fans.
Written by Mun Wan SikTranslated by Lee So Yun
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<저작권자 © ‘리얼타임 연예스포츠 속보,스타의 모든 것’ 스타뉴스, 무단전재 및 재배포 금지>