
aespa Captivate Japanese Fans

  • 이소연 기자
  • 2022-08-07

Girl group aespa successfully finished their first solo showcase in Japan.
aespa held Japan's first solo showcase 'aespa JAPAN PREMIUM SHOWCASE 2022 ~SYNK~' at Pia Arena MM located in Yokohama, Japan on the 6th and 7th. Participated in the application and realized the hot popularity of aespa. aespa met 40,000 audiences selected through lottery for two days and presented a powerful performance.
In this concert, aespa performed the hit songs 'Black Mamba', 'Next Level', 'Savage', 'Girls', 'Life's Too Short'. , 'Illusion' stage, as well as the b-side songs 'ænergy', 'Lucid Dream', 'YEPPI YEPPI' (Yeppi Yeppi) A total of 9 songs, including the stage of unique energetic charm and made local fans enthusiastic.
aespa said, "It was our first event in Japan, and we are happy to be able to show you the stage like this.We want to share happy moments with you in the future. Thank you for giving me wonderful memories today, and We will create many opportunities to meet in the future, so please support us." added warmth.
Written by Yoon Sang GeunTranslated by Lee So Yun
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